Distribution of VDOT Reductions (language only)
Item 462.05 #1c
Item 462.05 #1c | | | |
Transportation |
Transportation, Department of |
Page 499, strike lines 41 through 48.
Page 500, strike lines 1 through 3 and insert:
"A. Appropriation reductions in this item and specified in § 4-1.08 of this act shall apply notwithstanding any language and amounts to the contrary within other items of this act.
B. 1. The Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner shall implement actions as necessary to carry out the appropriation reductions contained in this item pursuant to the terms and limitations set forth in the following paragraphs and in compliance with the intent and provisions of Item 436 of this act. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, is authorized to transfer appropriations in this act as necessary to carry out the budget reductions contained in this item.
2. In carrying out the appropriation reductions contained in this item, the actions implemented will be based on a Comprehensive Plan developed by the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner which follows the outline documented in “VDOT’s Blueprint” as presented to the Commonwealth Transportation Board on February 13, 2009. The Commissioner shall present the proposed Comprehensive Plan to the Governor, the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, House Transportation, Senate Transportation, and Senate Finance Committees prior to implementation. The Plan shall define the relative proportion of reductions that shall be achieved through reductions in the Six-Year Program, changes to the department's organizational structure at both the administrative and operational levels in both the field and central office, and adjustments to service levels for maintenance and operational programs provided by the department. Implementation of these actions will begin in fiscal year 2009 and continue through fiscal year 2010. The Plan shall be phased so as to ensure that the necessary savings are achieved to meet the budgetary reductions set out in this item.
3. Such plan shall also:
a. ensure that maintenance and operations of existing highway infrastructure is focused on emergency response, congestion mitigation, pavement rehabilitation based on the lowest pavement condition ratings, and bridge repair and replacement based on structurally deficient structures;
b. set service and staffing levels for VDOT programs that have clear and measurable performance requirements;
c. ensure contractual spending of VDOT funding comprise no less than 70 percent of total VDOT expenditures each fiscal year;
d. reconfigure, including the elimination and consolidation of organizational units and VDOT facilities, to achieve at least a 30 percent reduction in the number of 1) central office divisions, 2) residency offices, and 3) equipment and repair shops;
e. as part of the consolidation of organizational units, ensure that the supervisory layers between the lowest line staff and the leadership position reporting directly to the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner shall be no more than five;
f. use an objective methodology on which to base all actions and take no actions until public input has been considered;
g. ensure that appropriate accountability, compliance, and oversight by auditors is conducted on all programs and functions on a periodic basis; and
h. have no more than 7,500 full-time positions filled on June 30, 2010.
C. The Commissioner shall provide a quarterly progress report detailing each action and its impact on the VDOT budget to the Governor, the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, House Transportation, Senate Transportation, and Senate Finance Committees, and the Commonwealth Transportation Board. Such reports shall include a detailed enumeration of progress that has been made to reduce the department's expenditure levels in order to meet the reduction levels required by this item, an update on the next phase of actions planned to address the reductions, any obstacles encountered in implementing these reductions, and any adjustments to the Plan are required by the Commonwealth Transportation Board."
(This amendment details how VDOT will allocate the reductions included in the introduced budget. House Bill 1600 included reductions over the biennium of $575.0 million for the department, but did not specify how they would be distributed. The language above ties the VDOT reductions to the plan presented by the VDOT Commissioner to the Commonwealth Transportation Board and to the legislative committees and includes a quarterly reporting requirement.)