2009 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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DRPT Reductions (language only)

Item 452.05 #1c

Item 452.05 #1c

Rail and Public Transportation, Department of

Page 487, line 43, before "Appropriation"  insert "A."
Page 487, after line 46,  insert:
"B. The director shall implement actions as necessary to carry out the appropriation reductions contained in this item provided that the proportional reductions among the subprograms contained in Item 449 do not conflict with the requirements set out in that item and provided further that reductions to Item 450 reflect the proportional reductions to the revenue sources dedicated to such activities.”

(This amendment authorizes the director of the Department of Rail and Public Transportation to take the necessary actions to reduce the appropriations within that agency but requires that reductions to the rail programs reflect reductions to that dedicated revenue source, reductions to transit programs reflect reductions to sources dedicated to that purpose, and further requires that the distribution among the transit capital and operating programs reflect the requirements set out in the item governing those programs.)