2009 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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Reporting Requirements (language only)

Item 4-8.01 #1c

Item 4-8.01 #1c

Reporting Requirements

Page 684, after line 48, insert:
"3.  a)  It is the intent of the General Assembly that reporting requirements affecting state institutions of higher education be reduced or consolidated where appropriate.   State institutions of higher education, working with the Secretary of Education, Secretary of Finance, and the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall identify a list of reporting requirements that the Governor may consider suspending.  
b)  An effort should be made to limit reporting to instances where (1) there is a compelling state interest for state agencies to collect, use, and maintain the information collected; (2) substantial risk to the public welfare or safety would result from failing to collect the information; or (3) the information collected is central to an essential state process mandated by the Code of Virginia.  The findings from this review shall be submitted to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by November 1, 2009.
c)  The Governor is authorized to suspend reporting requirements which in his judgment do not meet these criteria, provided however that prior to July 15, 2009, he reports to the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Chairmen of the Senate Committees on Finance and Rules those reporting requirements he intends to suspend.
d)  Upon the effective date of this act, and until its expiration date, the following reporting requirements are hereby suspended:
Agency Report Title of Descriptor Source
Department of Accounts Intercollegiate Athletics Receipts & Disbursements Code of Virginia § 23-1.1.
Department of General Services  Usage of State-Assigned   and State-Owned Vehicles Report Agency Directive -- Executive Order 89 (2005)
State Employee Worker's Compensation Program Work-related injuries and illnesses report -- goals, strategies, and results Agency Directive -- Executive Order 94 (2006)
Department of Planning and Budget Organizational    Memberships over     $5,000 Appropriations Act
Secretary of Commerce   and Trade Recruitment of National   and Regional       Conferences Report Agency Directive -- Executive Order 14 (2006)
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Generalist Initiative Item 145 F1. UVA, VCU and EVMS only.  Specific performance measures deleted in 2006-08 Appropriations Act.  Biennial reporting still required."

(This amendment continues efforts to streamline reporting requirements under higher education restructuring.)