2009 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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DSS Eligibility & Benefits Determination System (language only)

Item 346 #3c

Item 346 #3c

Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of

Page 393, line 6, after "develop", strike the remainder of the line.
Page 393, line 7, strike "that incorporates".
Page 393, line 8, strike "model" and insert "web-based automated system".
Page 393, line 10, strike "Medicaid" and insert "Medical".
Page 393, line 11, strike "must" and insert:
"shall participate in the development of the plan and".
Page 393, line 16, after "Resources", insert:
"the Virginia Information Technologies Agency,".
Page 393, line 20, after "for", strike the remainder of the line and insert:
"overseeing the development and implementation of the".
Page 393, line 21, after "plan.", insert:
"Prior to submission of the plan for federal approval, the steering committee shall submit the plan to the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission and the Auditor of Public Accounts for review and comment.  The Commissioner of Social Services shall provide an initial report on the development of the plan to the Governor, Secretary of Finance, and Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees on the cost, feasibility, potential for economy of scale at an enterprise level, impact on other state and local agencies, and impact on consumers by October 15, 2009 and an annual progress report on the plan by October 15 of each year thereafter.  Implementation of the plan is contingent upon approval of the 2010 General Assembly of the expenditures of state and federal funds for this purpose."

(This amendment modifies language in the introduced budget related to the development of an implementation plan to develop a centralized, web-based eligibility determination system for benefit programs in the Department of Social Services. Language is added to include the Virginia Information Technologies Agency in the steering committee tasked with overseeing the development and implementation of the plan. Language also requires the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission and the Auditor of Public Accounts to review and comment on the plan prior to its submission to the federal government for approval. The Commissioner of Social Services is also required to provide a detailed report on the plan annually to the Governor, the Secretary of Finance and the Chairmen of the money committees. Funding to implement the plan is contingent upon approval of the 2010 General Assembly.)