2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

Eliminate Enhanced E-911 Transfer

Item 431.1 #1c

Item 431.1 #1c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Virginia Information Technologies Agency FY2009 $49,818,979 FY2010 $48,113,801 NGF
FY2009 10.00 FY2010 10.00 FTE

Page 386, after line 37, insert:
Emergency Response Systems

Development Technology Services (71200)49,818,97948,113,801
Emergency Communication Systems Development Services
Financial Assistance to Localities for Enhanced Emergency Communications (71202)27,690,88225,985,704
Financial Assistance to Service Providers for Enhanced Emergency Communications Services (71203)12,062,90212,062,902
Fund Sources:
Dedicated Special Revenue49,818,97948,113,801

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 20.1, and Title 56, Chapter 15, Code of Virginia.
A.1. Out of the amounts for Emergency Communication Systems Development Services, $1,000,000 the first year and $1,000,000 the second year from dedicated special revenue shall be used for development and deployment of improvements to the statewide E-911 network.
2. These funds shall remain unallotted until their expenditure has been approved by the Wireless E-911 Services Board.
B.Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 15, Title 56, Code of Virginia, $1,750,000 the first year and $1,750,000 the second year from Financial Assistance to Localities for Enhanced Emergency Communications dedicated special revenue shall be used to support the efforts of the Virginia Geographic Information Network, or its counterpart, for providing the development and use of spatial data to support E-911 wireless activities in partnership with Enhanced Emergency Communications Services. Funding is to be earmarked for major updates of the VBMP and digital road centerline files.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 56-484.13, Code of Virginia, the E-911 Services Board shall consist of 16 members as follows: the Director of the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, who shall serve as chairman of the Board; the Comptroller, who shall serve as the treasurer of the Board; the Chief Information Officer, and the following 13 members to be appointed by the Governor: one member representing the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, one member representing the Virginia State Police, one member representing a local exchange carrier providing E-911 service in Virginia, two members representing wireless service providers authorized to do business in Virginia, three county, city or town PSAP directors or managers representing diverse regions of Virginia, one Virginia sheriff, one chief of police, one fire chief, one emergency medical services manager, and one finance officer of a county, city, or town."

(This amendment eliminates a proposed transfer of the Enhanced E-911 program from VITA to the Department of Emergency Management as contained in the introduced budget. Information provided as part of the introduced budget reports that efficiencies will result from reassigning the E-911 program to an agency responsible for emergency management. However, the program as currently constituted is recognized as among the best E-911 programs in the nation. Further, VITA was in the process of modernizing Virginia's E-911 program prior to this proposed transfer. Much of the equipment for E-911 service is becoming outdated. The funding for modernization remains within VITA.)