2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Item 140 #21c

Item 140 #21c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2009 ($474,697,376) FY2010 ($475,381,711) GF
FY2009 $461,000,000 FY2010 $461,000,000 NGF

Page 115, line 57, strike "$6,399,847,793" and insert "$6,386,150,417".
Page 115, line 57, strike "$6,599,719,818" and insert "$6,585,338,107".
Page 116, strike lines 39 through 58.
Page 117, strike lines 1 through 41 and insert:

"Appropriation Detail of Education
Assistance ProgramsFY 2009FY 2010
Standards of Quality 17801
Basic Aid$3,433,344,481$3,415,961,658
Sales Tax$1,194,705,900$1,255,203,540
Vocational Education$66,922,136$67,060,062
Gifted Education$30,942,343$31,074,500
Special Education$373,450,629$374,419,869
Prevention, Intervention, and Remediation$69,725,259$69,542,608
VRS Retirement$228,442,981$229,264,407
Social Security$176,663,664$177,357,842
Group Life$7,628,272$7,656,997
English as a Second Language$38,729,879$43,335,018
Incentive Programs 17802
Alternative Education$6,724,960$6,977,930
Compensation Supplement$0$77,644,363
Governor's School$13,815,916$14,460,368
Clinical Faculty$375,000$375,000
Career Switcher Mentoring Grants$329,392$329,392
No Child Left Behind/Education for a Lifetime

Project Graduation$2,774,478$2,774,478
Special Education - Inservice$600,000$600,000
Special Education - Regional Tuition$63,668,168$68,963,690
Special Education - Vocational Education$200,089$200,089
Supplemental Basic Aid$613,036$581,928
Technology - VPSA$60,184,000$60,496,000
Categorical Programs 17803
Adult Education$1,051,800$1,051,800
Adult Literacy$2,652,500$2,652,500
Electronic Classroom$2,256,908$2,256,908
American Indian Treaty Commitment$53,805$53,805
School Lunch$5,801,932$5,801,932
Special Education - Homebound$5,765,312$6,255,827
Special Education - Jails$2,954,553$2,954,553
Special Education - State Operated Programs$33,906,381$37,177,857
Vocational Education - Categorical$10,400,829$10,400,829
School Facilities 17804
School Construction$27,499,995$27,499,994
Lottery 17805
Remedial Summer School$28,831,021$30,057,658
Foster Care$11,739,134$12,639,727
Enrollment Loss$12,151,570$11,137,821
VPI Program$59,911,534$68,117,517
Early Reading Intervention$17,023,401$17,065,484
Mentor Teacher$1,000,000$1,000,000
K-3 Primary Class Size$92,462,661$92,161,519
School Breakfast Program$1,699,557$1,996,551
SOL Algebra Readiness$8,981,870$8,968,398
Additional Support for School Construction and Operating Costs$160,170,858$151,273,642

Page 121, line 2, after "all", insert "Lottery,"
Page 121, line 23, after "In the event that the", insert "general fund".
Page 121, line 27, after "any available," insert "general fund".
Page 125, line 19, after "any", insert "Lottery,".
Page 125, line 29, after "the", insert "Lottery".
Page 125, line 42, after "for", insert "Lottery, ".
Page 127, after line 7, insert:
"22. This item includes appropriations totaling an estimated $461,000,000 the first year and $461,000,000 the second year from the revenues deposited to the Lottery Proceeds Fund.  These amounts are appropriated for distribution to counties, cities, and towns to support public education programs pursuant to Article X, section 7-A  Constitution of Virginia.  Any county, city, or town which accepts a distribution from this Fund shall provide its portion of the cost of maintaining an educational program meeting the Standards of Quality pursuant to Section 2 of Article VIII of the Constitution without the use of distributions from the Fund.  To the extent that actual revenues deposited to the Lottery Proceeds Fund are not sufficient to meet the appropriations listed in this item, the payments to school divisions described in paragraph C. 28 Additional Support for School Construction and Operating Costs  shall be reduced on a proportional basis.
23.  For reporting purposes, the Department of Education shall include Lottery Proceeds Funds as state funds."
Page 128, line 32, strike "1)".
Page 128, strike lines 40 though 45.
Page 132, line 19, strike "general fund" and insert "Lottery Proceeds Fund".
Page 132, strike lines 43 through 48.
Page 134, line 51, strike "general".
Page 134, line 52, strike "fund" and insert "Lottery Proceeds Fund".
Page 135, line 17, strike "general fund" and insert "Lottery Proceeds Fund".
Page 146, line 35, strike "general fund" and insert "Lottery Proceeds Fund".
Page 147, line 35, strike "general fund" and insert "Lottery Proceeds Fund".
Page 151, line 13, strike "general fund" and insert "Lottery Proceeds Fund".
Page 151, line 27, strike "general" and insert "Lottery Proceeds".
Page 151, strike line 48, and insert:
"28. Additional Support for School Construction and Operating Costs"
Page 151, strike lines 49 through 54.
Page 152, strike lines 1 through 9 and insert:
"a. This is a sum sufficient appropriation for distribution to counties, cities, and towns of the net portion of the Lottery Proceeds Funds not otherwise distributed in this item to counties, cities, and towns in support of public education, pursuant to Article X, Section 7-A, Constitution of Virginia."
Page 152, line 10, strike "d." and insert "b."
Page 152, line 11, strike the first "$165,692,715" and insert "$160,170,858".
Page 152, line 11, strike the second "$165,692,715" and insert "$151,273,642".
Page 152, line 14, strike "$246.48" and insert "$238.26".
Page 152, line 15, strike "$245.57" and insert "$224.19".
Page 153, line 35, strike "e." and insert "c."
Page 153, line 44, strike "f." and insert "d."
Page 154, line 54, strike "general fund" and insert "Lottery Proceeds Fund".
Page 155, line 30, strike "$1,375,000" and insert "$1,000,000".
Page 155, line 31, strike "$1,375,000" and insert "$1,000,000".
Page 155, line 31, strike "general fund" and insert "Lottery Proceeds Fund to be paid to local school divisions".
Page 155, line 35, after "teaching.", insert:
"This appropriation includes $375,000 the first year and $375,000 the second year from the general fund for Clinical Faculty programs to assist preservice teachers and beginning teachers to make a successful transition into full-time teaching."

(This amendment primarily reflects technical changes to the accounting of Lottery Proceeds Fund, now as nongeneral funds, to conform to the wording of the Constitution for a direct appropriation from the Lottery Proceeds Fund to local school divisions. Previously, general funds had been advanced to school divisions for payments beginning in July before Lottery Proceeds were actually collected, as a cash flow mechanism.)