2006 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5002 (Conference Report)

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Teleworking (language only)

Item 437 #1c

Item 437 #1c

Department Of Rail And Public Transportation

Page 374, line 22, after "jurisdictions", insert:
"The department shall develop model guidelines to promote teleworking in Virginia in the first year.  These guidelines shall include model policies that could be adopted by private sector firms across the Commonwealth, a listing of the types of job functions that do and do not lend themselves to teleworking, and model personnel policies setting out agreements companies may enter into with employees who propose to telework on either a full- or part-time basis.  The department shall work in conjunction with the Secretary of Technology and his staff to develop these guidelines and disseminate them to state agencies and to private-sector companies in the Commonwealth with 100 or more employees.  Dissemination of the model guidelines shall be conducted on an electronic basis."

(This amendment directs the Department of Rail and Public Transportation, in conjunction with the Secretary of Technology, to develop model guidelines outlining how to implement teleworking programs that will be provided to private companies across the Commonwealth to help promote expanded use of teleworking where appropriate.)