2006 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5002 (Conference Report)

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School Efficiency Reviews Language Clarification (language only)

Item 263 #1c

Item 263 #1c

Department Of Planning And Budget

Page 219, line 36, after "review", insert:
"along with any budget savings realized for each recommendation. The report shall also include a schedule for implementation of the remaining recommendations not implemented to date.  The Department of Planning and Budget shall forward copies of the reports to the Chairmen of House Appropriations, House Finance, and Senate Finance Committees within 30 days of receiving such reports".
Page 219, line 38, strike "; with a", and insert ", and subsequent".
Page 219, line 38, after "report", insert:
"shall be submitted annually by June 30th until 100 percent of the recommendations have been implemented or rationale reported that explain and address the division’s lack of such implementation."
Page 219, line 38, strike " within".
Page 219, strike line 39.
Page 219, line 40, strike "months."
Page 219, line 41, after "report", insert:
"that shall include budget savings realized for each recommendation implemented.
2. Commencing in fiscal year 2007, each participating school division shall pay 25 percent of the total cost incurred by the state for that school division’s efficiency review to be conducted.  
Consistent with language and intent contained in Item 130, any school division that elects to participate in a school efficiency review as a component unit of a division level academic review shall be exempt from the 25 percent payment of the total costs of the review but will not be exempt from paying a recovery cost of 25 percent if the school division does not initiate at least 50 percent of the review's recommendations within 24 months of receiving their final school efficiency review report.  
Payment shall occur in the fiscal year immediately following the completion of the final school efficiency review report.  The total cost shall include a proportionate amount of all administrative and support costs incurred by the state for that fiscal year to administer and coordinate the school efficiency reviews and 100 percent of the costs awarded to the contractor(s) to conduct that school division’s review."
Page 219, strike lines 42-43, and insert:
"3. Additionally, commencing in fiscal year 2007, a recovery of a separate and additional 25 percent payment of the total cost of individual reviews shall".
Page 219, line 44, strike "24" and insert "12".
Page 219, line 45, strike "36" and insert "24".
Page 219, line 47, strike "may" and insert "shall".
Page 219, line 54, after "percent of the" and insert "total".

(This amendment clarifies the language regarding the required 25 percent payment that each participating school division shall pay to the state for the total cost of their school efficiency review unless the school division is also undergoing an academic review. In addition, the language clarifies that school divisions shall be responsible for paying a separate and additional 25 percent payment to the state if the school division does not certify that at least 50 percent of the recommendations have been acted on or at least half of the savings of the efficiency review report have been realized within 24 months of receiving the final report.)