2004 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Member Request)

Chief Patron: Stolle
Co-Patron(s): Lambert, Miller Y., Rerras
NSU-Renovate norfolk Community Hospital (language only)

Item C-152.1 #6s

Item C-152.1 #6s

Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay

Page 281, following line 26
That the provision in italics shall be inserted in C-28.25, Chapter 1042, 2003 Acts of Assembly, during enrolling of SB 29:
"C-28.25 Acquire
and Renovate
Hospital Property"

"C-152.1 Hospital Property (16882)

(This amendment allows for the acquisition and renovation of the Norfolk Community Hospital property by Norfolk State University. The enrolling instructions included above shall not be included in the enrolled bill.)