Language Page 388, after line 37, insert:"Out of the amounts for Financial Assistance for Cultural and Artistic Affairs, $100,000 the first year and $100,000 the second year from the general fund is provided to the Virginia Historial Society."
Explanation(This amendment provides a general fund grant of $100,000 in each year of the biennium to the Virginia Historical Society for support of the Center For Virginia History. The purpose of this grant is to support three recent initiatives undertaken by the Virginia Historical Society: (1) integrated technology for its 10,000 square-foot core exhibition, "The Story of Virginia, an American Experience," which will provide interactive elements for children; (2) the development of "kids' pages" on the society's web site; and (3) the development of summer history camps. The Virginia Historical Society is the only institution in the state to offer a comprehensive exhibition of the Commonwealth's entire history and it served more than 17,000 school children in 2002.)