2003 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Restoration of DMV Services

Item 480 #1c

Item 480 #1c

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Motor Vehicles, Department of FY2003 $1,603,571 FY2004 $15,755,307 NGF
FY2003 302.00 FY2004 302.00 FTE

Page 448, line 43, strike "$113,432,764" and insert "$115,036,335".
Page 448, line 43, strike "$100,573,362" and insert "$116,328,669".
Page 449, strike lines 16 through 27.
Page 449, line 28, strike "shall be sold" and insert:
"B.  The motor vehicle dealer center adjacent to the Franconia Customer Service Center and the mobile customer service centers shall be sold."  
Page 449, line 30, strike "$2,725,360" and insert "$1,091,300".
Page 449, strike lines 32 through 54.
Page 450, strike lines 1 through 7.
Page 449, after line 31, insert:  
"C.  Included in this appropriation are the amounts required to reopen the 12 Department of Motor Vehicles Customer Service Centers (Warrenton, West Henrico, Gloucester, Sterling, Bedford, Rocky Mount, Bristol, Woodstock, Northern Virginia Dealer Center, Norfolk Military Circle, Chesterfield and Fair Oaks Mall) closed pursuant to the Governor's October 2002 budget reduction plans, estimated at $137,884 the first year and $5,098,550 the second year, exclusive of Workforce Transition Act savings.  The first year's funding shall be supplemented by appropriations available under this item that had been set aside for Workforce Transition Act payments, had the facilities not reopened.  In addition, 121 full-time equivalent positions and 25 part-time positions are included.  In the case of the Fair Oaks Mall customer service centers, the Department shall seek a new facility in close proximity to replace the facility for which the lease was relinquished.  In the case of the Northern Virginia Dealer Center, the full-time equivalent positions are restored, and the operations shall be consolidated into the Franconia Customer Service Center.
D.  Included in the appropriation for this item are the amounts required to restore Wednesday operations at all Department of Motor Vehicle Customer Service Centers, estimated at $514,069 in the first year and $4,381,154 in the second year.  Also provided are 60 full-time equivalent and 106 part-time positions.  The first year's funding may be supplemented by appropriations available under this item that had been set aside for Workforce Transition Act payments but are no longer required because the operational hours are restored.
E. Included in the appropriation for this item are the amounts required to restore operations of the Aldie Weigh Station in Loudoun County and the Middletown Weigh Station in Frederick County, estimated at $220,000 in the first year and $419,405 in the second year.  Also provided are 7 full-time equivalent positions.
F.  Included in the appropriation for this item are the amounts required to restore the headquarters personnel necessary to support the expanded field services, estimated at $5,056,198 the second year.  Funding for the first year is available from unexpended Workforce Transition Act payments.  Out of the additional amounts provided, $10,000 shall be utilized to fund any systems modifications required pursuant to the provisions of House Bill 1521, 2003 Session of the General Assembly. Up to 114 full-time equivalent positions may be filled to support these activities.
G.  In order the encourage the use of alternative service delivery methods, the Department of Motor Vehicles shall not charge its customers for the use of credit cards for internet or other types of transactions.
H.  In restoring services, the Department of Motor Vehicles shall give priority first to reopening the closed customer service centers and weigh stations identified in this item.  Second, DMV shall restore operations on Wednesday.  If for any reason revenue collections fall below expectations and are not sufficient to support restoration of all services and positions, funding provided for enhanced headquarters operations can be used to support the restoration of field services."

(This amendment restores funding and positions to DMV to reopen the 12 customer service centers closed as a result of the Governor's October budget reduction proposals, re-establish Wednesday service at all customer service centers, reopen two truck weigh stations and fund sufficient support personnel in the headquarters to operate the restored services effective April, 2003.)