2003 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Amend Tuition Policy for FY 2004 (language only)

Item 136 #3c

Item 136 #3c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Education, Secretary of

Page 118, strike lines 24 through 33, and insert:
"E.1. a) Consistent with the authorization provided in § 4-2.01 b. of this act, the boards of visitors or other governing bodies of institutions of higher education shall determine tuition, fees, and charges for each fiscal year of the 2002-2004 biennium, provided that increases for in-state, undergraduate tuition and mandatory educational and general fees for the 2003-04 academic year not exceed five percent of the annualized tuition rates set by the boards for the 2002-03 academic year.
b) Institutions shall apply comparable increases to all in-state, undergraduate students.  Institutions may charge all other student groups a free market-determined tuition and fee rate.
c) For purposes of determining the annualized 2002-03 base tuition rate upon which the five percent threshold shall be calculated, boards of visitors may apply mid-year increases approved for the Spring 2003 semester to each semester of the 2003-04 academic year.  The tuition rates for 2003-04 shall not exceed 105 percent of the annualized 2002-03 base tuition level.  
d) Institutions that adopted mid-year increases for the Spring 2003 semester that were less than $225 and resulted in less than a $450 cumulative increase in tuition over 2001-02 rates may adopt an adjusted annualized tuition rate upon which the five percent threshold shall be calculated.  For those institutions, boards can apply up to $225 per semester for the 2003-04 academic year rather than continuing the mid-year Spring 2003 increase for both semesters of the 2003-04 academic year.  The tuition rates for 2003-04 shall not exceed 105 percent of the adjusted annualized base tuition level.
e) In calculating increases for the 2003-04 academic year, Mary Washington College and Virginia State University may exclude auxiliary fees that were reclassified as part of the 2002-03 tuition actions.
f) The provisions herein shall not apply to increases in tuition used to support the nongeneral fund share of the second year salary increases provided in Item 511.J. of this act, health insurance costs included in Item 504 of this act, or related costs associated with the University of Virginia's self-insured health plan. To the extent institutions increase tuition to support these items, increases shall be applied proportionately to all in-state and out-of-state students."
Page 119, strike lines 11 through 20 and insert:
"6. Each institution shall communicate its tuition and fee charges, as approved by its board of visitors, to the Secretary of Education, the State Council of Higher Education, and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by May 15 of each fiscal year.  In addition, each institution shall report to the State Council of Higher Education, in a format prescribed by the Council, the amount of nongeneral fund revenues derived annually, including the amounts derived in accordance with paragraph E.1.(f) of this item.  The State Council of Higher Education shall report to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by November 1 of each fiscal year the results of the nongeneral fund revenue survey.  This report shall serve as the foundation for nongeneral fund appropriation adjustments made by the Department of Planning and Budget.
7.  In accordance with Item 1.E. of this act and prior to the 2004 General Assembly Session, the Joint Subcommittee Studying Higher Education Funding Policies shall recommend a cost-sharing policy that includes a tuition policy as part of the General Assembly's ongoing efforts to fund higher education pursuant to the base adequacy guidelines.  The Joint Subcommittee shall also address funding and policy issues related to student financial aid."

(This amendment modifies the existing tuition policy and directs the Joint Subcommittee Studying Higher Education Funding Policies to make recommendations to the 2004 General Assembly on tuition and financial aid policies.)