2003 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Revise Strategic Planning Language (language only)

Item 136 #2c

Item 136 #2c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Education, Secretary of

Page 117, strike lines 12 through 31, and insert:
"A.1. It is the intent of the General Assembly that institutions of higher education  develop strategic plans, at least every four years, that promote and sustain the quality, access, accountability, and affordability of Virginia's public institutions of higher education.
2. Each four-year public institution of higher education, Richard Bland College, and the Virginia Community College System shall submit to the State Council of Higher Education, pursuant to Item 166, paragraph B.1., a progress report on implementing its current strategic plan, including the progress it has made in meeting the following statewide goals:  a) enhancing instructional quality; b) accommodating projected enrollment growth through 2010; and c) increasing Virginia’s national standing with regard to sponsored research.
3.  In implementing these statewide goals and their institutional goals, Virginia public colleges and universities shall apply the following guiding principles: a) maximize student access to higher education and minimize the cost to students and the state; b) enhance administrative efficiency and productivity; and c) streamline operations as a means for improving managerial flexibility."

(This amendment replaces the current systemwide strategic planning language to reflect the 2003 plan adopted by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.)