2003 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Committee Approved)

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Revise Mandatory Non-E&G Fee Language (language only)

Item 4-2.01 #1s

Item 4-2.01 #1s

Nongeneral Fund Revenues

Page 581, strike lines 33-43 and insert:
"Mandatory fees for purposes other than Educational and General programs shall not be increased for Virginia undergraduates in fiscal year 2003 and in fiscal year 2004 beyond five percent, and beyond the requirements of wage and salary increases, as authorized by the General Assembly.  This restriction shall not apply in the following instances:  fee increases directly related to capital projects authorized by the General Assembly; fee increases to support student health services, other fee increases specifically authorized by the General Assembly and due to the small mandatory non-Educational and General program fees currently assess students in the Virginia Community College System, increases in any one year of no more than $15 shall be allowed on a cost-justified, case-by-case basis, subject to approval by the State Board of Community Colleges.  Fee increases required to carry out actions that respond to mandates of federal agencies are also exempt from this provision, provided that a report on the purposes and the amount of the fee increase is submitted to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by the institution of higher education at least 30 days prior to the effective date of the fee increase."

(This amendment allows boards of visitors to increase mandatory non-E&G fees up to five percent annually. Fees related to student health services are exempted from this provision.)