2003 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Committee Approved)

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View Budget Item amendments

Limits on Meetings (language only)

Item 1 #1s

Item 1 #1s

Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia

Page 9, line 20, insert:
"I. With the exception of legislative commissions or councils whose budgets are reviewed by the Budget Oversight Subcommittee of the Joint Rules Committee, committee studies, joint committees, joint subcommittees, and legislative commissions or councils created by resolution and by statute shall be reimbursed for no more than one meeting per quarter.  Legislative commissions or councils whose budgets are reviewed by the Budget Oversight Subcommittee shall submit their meeting schedule and obtain permission from the Subcommittee to hold more than one reimbursable meeting per quarter.  Meetings include public hearings and any meeting of a subgroup composed of less than the full membership of the entity.  Meetings or public hearings of the entity or any subgroup thereof held on the same day consitute one meeting.  Committee studies, joint committees, joint subcommittees, and legislative commissions or councils should schedule their meetings for Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday during the first and third full weeks of the month."

(This amendment establishes limits on the number of meetings by legislative entities.)