2003 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1400 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Landes
DGS Office Space Inventory (language only)

Item 77 #2h

Item 77 #2h

General Services, Department of

Page 68, after line 29, insert:
"F.1. The Department of General Services shall compile an inventory of all state-owned office space and other facilities by jurisdiction that includes the type and square footage of vacant space available by facility.  This inventory shall be made available to all state agencies via the Department of General Services' web site and the existence of such list shall be communicated to all state entities.  Upon the expiration of any existing lease, all state entities shall review the office space inventory to determine if suitable state-owned facilities exist prior to entering into any contract or lease for any privately held space.  
2.  In the second year, the Department of General Services shall establish a pilot program to further encourage the co-location of state entities in the greater Staunton region.  Such a program shall include the provision of technical assistance to any state entity considering alternative space arrangements and the issuance of a waiver by the Department of General Services, which shall include an explanation of why the use vacant state-owned space is not the selected alternative, prior to any state entity leasing privately held space.  No later than August 1, 2004, the Department of General Services shall report to the Chairman of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees savings accrued to the Commonwealth through the increased use of existing state-owned facilities."

(This amendment directs DGS to develop an office space inventory list to be used to promote the co-location of state agencies in the same facilities where feasible. It further directs DGS to undertake a pilot program to promote such shared facility use in the Greater Staunton region.)