2003 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1400 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Oder
Conformity to Allow Federal Teacher Tax Relief Deduction (language only)

Item 4-12.00 #4h

Item 4-12.00 #4h

Effective Date
Effective Date

Page 611, strike lines 39 and 40, and insert:
"federal income taxes, as the same may be or become effective at any time or from time to time except for".
Page 611, line 44, strike "2001" and insert "2000".

(This amendment re-establishes conformity with federal tax laws effective for tax year 2000, with the exception of the special depreciation allowance and carry-back of certain net operating losses for five years, enacted by the 2002 Congress. This will allow conformity with the federal teacher tax relief deduction for qualified "out-of-pocket" educational expenses. In addition, should current proposals before Congress to raise the deduction be successful, Virginia's tax code would conform to the federal tax code, so the increased deduction could be allowed.)