2003 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1400 (Conference Report)

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Nonstate Agency Allocations (language only)

Item 4-5.07 #1c

Item 4-5.07 #1c

Special Conditions and Restrictions on Expenditures
Nonstate Agencies, Interstate Compacts and Organizational Memberships

Page 596, strike line 48, and insert:
"4.  Operating appropriations for nonstate agencies (nonhistorical) equal to or in excess of $150,000 shall be disbursed to".
Page 596, line 50, after "year.", insert:
"Operating appropriations for nonstate agencies (nonhistorical) of less than $150,000 shall be disbursed in one payment once the nonstate agency has successfully met applicable match and application requirements."

(The amendment clarifies the intent of the General Assembly regarding payments to nonstate agencies.)