2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Major League Baseball Commitment (language only)

Item 548 #13c

Item 548 #13c

Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations

Page 377, after line 14, insert:
"J.  The Governor is hereby authorized to communicate to major league baseball the Commonwealth's commitment to fund its portion of the stadium financing plan as recommended in House Document #7 (1997) by the Joint Subcommittee Studying Financing Options for the Purpose of Constructing a Baseball Stadium in Virginia, and such commitment is to be effective only in the event major league baseball grants, or commits to grant a franchise to an ownership group to locate a major league baseball team in Virginia.  At the next session of the General Assembly following the award or commitment to award such franchise, the Governor shall submit to that General Assembly a detailed financing plan to carry out the Commonwealth's commitment to finance construction of a major league baseball stadium."

(This amendment authorizes the Governor to convey to major league baseball a commitment on behalf of the Commonwealth to help finance a new stadium facility in which a major league franchise may locate.)