2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Allocation of Federal Highway Funds (language only)

Item 506 #7c

Item 506 #7c

Transportation, Secretary of

Page 346, line 24, after "basis." insert:  
"For FY 2001, that amount is anticipated to be $40 million and for FY 2002, that amount is anticipated to be $37 million."
Page 346, line 36, after "program", insert:
"that is equal in size each year for the period FY 1999-2003".
Page 346, line 39, after "state", strike ";" and insert:
".  The amount set aside each year may be adjusted to correspond to revised federal apportionment estimates."
Page 346, line 41, after "program", insert:
"that is equal in size each year for the period FY 1999-2003".
Page 346, line 41, strike ";" and insert:
".  The amount set aside each year may be adjusted to correspond to revised federal apportionment estimates."
Page 347, line 8, after "approval." insert:
"The amount of discretionary minimum guarantee federal funds is anticipated to be no more than $34.8 million in FY 2001 and $34.2 million in FY 2002."
Page 347, line 25, after "law.", insert:
"The Commonwealth Transportation Board, in consultation with the appropriate local and regional entities, may allocate to local and regional public transit operators, for operating and/or capital purposes, state revenues designated by formula for primary, urban, and secondary highways."

(This amendment reinstates language from Chapter 935 (1999 Acts of Assembly) governing the allocation of federal highways funds in Virginia to state clearly how the implementation shall occur.)