2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Statewide Information Technology Procurement

Item 499 #2c

Item 499 #2c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Information Technology, Department of FY2001 ($633,344) FY2002 ($313,673) GF
FY2001 $633,344 FY2002 $313,673 NGF
FY2001 0.00 FY2002 0.00 FTE

Page 338, line 35, strike "general fund" and insert "Internal Service Fund".
Page 338, line 38, after "services.", strike the remainder of the line.
Page 338, strike lines 39 through 43.

(This amendment changes the fund source for the information technology procurement program from the general fund to nongeneral funds.)