2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Offices on Youth-Base Funding

Item 475 #4c

Item 475 #4c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Public Safety
Juvenile Justice, Department of FY2001 $175,638 FY2002 $0 GF

Page 328, line 25, strike "$2,018,732" and insert "$2,194,370".
Page 328, line 29, before "Out", insert "A."
Page 328, after line 32, insert:
"B.  The Department shall develop standards for the operations of Offices on Youth.  Included in these standards shall be the establishment of goals, quantifiable objectives and measures for the evaluation of program effectiveness for each Office on Youth receiving funding from the Commonwealth.  The Department shall provide a report on its progress in developing these standards to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by November 1, 2000."

(This amendment provides $175,638 the first year from the general fund to guarantee a minimal funding level of $37,350 for each of the 24 Offices on Youth.)