2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Civil Commitment of Sexual Predators

Item 47 #3c

Item 47 #3c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Executive Offices
Attorney General and Law, Department Of FY2001 ($317,388) FY2002 ($401,152) GF
FY2001 -5.00 FY2002 -5.00 FTE

Page 26, line 38, strike "$20,112,586" and insert "$19,795,198".
Page 26, line 38, strike "$20,212,838" and insert "$19,811,686".

(This amendment eliminates general funds and five (5.0 FTE) positions for a proposed new program of civil commitment of violent sexual predators. Senate Bill 261 defers this program.)