2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Federal Grants for Offices on Youth (language only)

Item 465 #18c

Item 465 #18c

Public Safety
Criminal Justice Services, Department of

Page 325, after line 39, insert:
"N.  From such federal funds as are available, the Department shall provide grants of (i) up to $44,200 each year to establish a regional Office on Youth serving the City of Winchester and the Counties of Clarke and Frederick; (ii) up to $37,500 each year to establish an Office on Youth serving Madison County; and (iii) up to $35,000 each year to establish an Office on Youth serving the City of Poquoson."

(This amendment allocates federal grants to establish Offices on Youth in the Winchester region, Madison County, and the City of Poquoson. The intended source of federal funds is Title V of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act.)