2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Pittsylvania and Virginia Beach Jail Language (language only)

Item 448 #6c

Item 448 #6c

Public Safety
Community Corrections, Division of

Page 313, line 21, after "exhausted.", insert:
"The Board of Corrections may grant an exception for the purposes as outlined in this paragraph (Item 448.A.5) for the following projects:
Pittsylvania County Jail
Virginia Beach City Jail."

(This amendment provides exceptions to the moratorium on approval by the Board of Corrections of state reimbursement for local or regional jail capital outlay projects. These exceptions are granted for the Pittsylvania County Jail and the Virginia Beach City Jail, based on the fact that the average daily population of these facilities exceeded their rated capacity by more than 50 percent during fiscal year 1999. The state reimbursement rate for local jail capital outlay projects is up to 25 percent of project costs, subject to approval of the Board of Corrections. Approval of these projects by the Board of Corrections shall also be conditioned upon the prior approval by the Compensation Board of a facility staffing plan for each jail.)