2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Emissions Inspection Fund

Item 412 #4c

Item 412 #4c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Natural Resources
Environmental Quality, Department of FY2001 ($2,000,000) FY2002 $0 GF
FY2001 $2,000,000 FY2002 $0 NGF

Page 296, after line 13, insert:
"Included in the amounts for Environmental Resources Management is $2,000,000 the first year from nongeneral funds for the purpose of long-term maintenance of air quality and the correction and prevention of nonattainment status for National Ambient Air Quality Standards through air quality programs under the direction of the Director, pursuant to § 46.2-1182.2, Code of Virginia.  These funds shall be used for air quality programs that impact Northern Virginia, to include air pollutant transport and air quality planning.  The source of the nongeneral funds is the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program Fund.

(This amendment provides nongeneral funds instead of general funds for air quality activities of the Department. The source of the nongeneral funds is balances in the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program Fund. The use of these funds for this purpose is specifically authorized by § 46.2-1182.2, Code of Virginia.)