2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Support for SWCD Operations

Item 409 #11c

Item 409 #11c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Natural Resources
Conservation and Recreation, Department of FY2001 $875,000 FY2002 $875,000 GF

Page 291, line 22, strike "$32,308,559" and insert "$33,183,559".
Page 291, line 22, strike "$18,170,156" and insert "$19,045,156".
Page 293, after line 22, insert:
"F.  The funds provided in this Item for the Soil and Water Conservation Districts shall be distributed to the greatest extent possible to the districts in accordance with program, financial and resource allocation policies established by the Soil and Water Conservation Board."

(This amendment provides $1.75 million to support the general operating costs of soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs); continue staffing support for water quality positions in the Shenandoah/Potomac watershed; hire new water quality positions for the lower tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay and the coastal rivers; and employ water quality positions for the Southern Rivers watershed. Budget language directs that distribution of funds for the SWCDs be in accordance with the policies of the Soil and Water Conservation Board.)