2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Legal Aid Caseload Report (language only)

Item 40 #5c

Item 40 #5c

Judicial Department
Bar, Virginia State

Page 24, at the beginning of line 10, insert "A."
Page 24, after line 15, insert:
"B.  The Virginia State Bar and the Legal Services Corporation of Virginia shall annually, on or about January 1, provide a report to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees regarding the status of legal services assistance programs in the Commonwealth.  The report shall include, but not be limited to, efforts to maintain and improve the accuracy of caseload data, case opening and case closure information, and program activity levels as it relates to clients."

(This amendment provides for a report by the Virginia State Bar and the Virginia Legal Services Corporation on caseload information.)