2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Judicial Retirement (language only)

Item 4-6.03 #2c

Item 4-6.03 #2c

Positions and Employment
Employee Benefits

Page 464, following line 26, insert:
"g.  Provided however, that notwithstanding the provisions § 51.1-306(A)(2.)  any member of the Judicial Retirement System in service on the effective date of this Act who has attained his fifty-fifth birthday and has at least twenty-five years of actual un-weighted service in the Judicial Retirement System shall be eligible for a full unreduced retirement based upon his actual age and service in the Judicial Retirement System.  Members of the Judicial Retirement System must exercise their option under this provision no later than February 1, 2001.”

(This amendment provides for unreduced early retirement for certain members of the Judicial Retirement System.)