2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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ACR Licensing Protocols (language only)

Item 388 #3c

Item 388 #3c

Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of

Page 283, after line 24, insert:
"D. The Department of Social Services shall develop protocols for its licensing staff to obtain and utilize information from residents of adult care residences and their family members as part of its process for renewing adult care residence licenses.  The Department shall promulgate the necessary regulations to implement this requirement."
"The Department of Social Services shall develop protocols for its licensing staff to obtain and utilize information from residents of adult care residences and their family members as part of its process for renewing adult care residence licenses.  The Department shall promulgate the necessary regulations to implement this requirement.”

(This amendment requires the Department of Social Services (DSS) to develop protocols for its licensing staff to seek input from ACR residents and their families. While DSS staff informally interview family members who may be visiting a resident, there are no written protocols or requirement that DSS staff do so.)