2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Dept. Health Prof.-Additional Staff

Item 315 #4c

Item 315 #4c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Health And Human Resources
Health Professions, Department of FY2001 $664,000 FY2002 $664,000 NGF
FY2001 9.00 FY2002 9.00 FTE

Page 242, line 45, strike "$13,460,562" and insert "$14,124,562".
Page 242, line 45, strike "$14,177,245" and insert "$14,841,245".
Accompanying Budget   “Out of this appropriation, $130,000 (GF) is provided in each year of the biennium for the Board of Nursing to collect, store and make available to interested parties workforce data from registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and certified nurse aides.”

(This amendment provides $664,000 each year from nongeneral funds and nine full-time positions for the Department of Health Professions to conduct its regulatory and statutory responsibilities. The source of the nongeneral funds would be professional and occupational fees on various health professions. A review of the Department by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission indicated that the enforcement division lacks adequate staff to carry out its responsibilities.)