2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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AAA Fee-for-Service Program (language only)

Item 297 #1c

Item 297 #1c

Health And Human Resources
Aging, Department for the

Page 230, line 39, strike "shall".
Page 230, line 42, after "services.", insert:
"However, priority for services should be given to applicants in the greatest need, regardless of ability to pay."

(This amendment clarifies language regarding the use of added general fund appropriations for services provided by local area agencies on aging which require a fee to be paid on a sliding scale. Language is modified to allow the local area agencies on aging to use new funding to serve those with the greatest need, regardless of their ability to pay. Many local area agencies on aging provide services to elderly citizens who have incomes below the federal poverty level and cannot afford to pay a fee for some services they receive.)