2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Treas Board - Elim. Debt Svc on 21st Century Bonds

Item 291 #4c

Item 291 #4c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Treasury Board FY2001 ($161,000) FY2002 ($989,000) GF

Page 222, line 45, strike "$244,512,318" and insert "$244,351,318".
Page 222, line 45, strike "$260,122,342" and insert "$259,133,342".
Page 223, line 44, strike "$1,980,000" and insert "$1,819,000".
Page 223, line 45, strike "$3,647,900" and insert "$2,658,900".

(This amendment reduces debt service provided for projects funded through the 21st Century College program. Two projects proposed in the introduced House Bill 29 for funding through debt financing will be funded through capital lease arrangements.)