2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

MCHR Funding for Enrollment and Programs

Item 261 #1c

Item 261 #1c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Education: Higher Education
Medical College of Hampton Roads FY2001 $500,000 FY2002 $500,000 GF

Page 204, line 35, strike "$12,934,025" and insert "$13,434,025".
Page 204, line 35, strike "$12,934,025" and insert "$13,434,025".
Page 204, line 42, strike "$4,604,754" and insert "$5,104,754".
Page 204, line 43, strike "$4,604,754" and insert "$5,104,754".
Page 205, line 6, strike "$15,878" and insert "$17,603".
Page 205, line 7, strike "$15,878" and insert "$17,603".

(This amendment provides support for enrollment of Virginia students at the Eastern Virginia Medical School.)