2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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VMI Corp of Cadets at VPI

Item 237 #1c

Item 237 #1c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Education: Higher Education
Virginia Military Institute FY2001 $66,500 FY2002 $133,000 GF

Page 190, line 13, strike "$4,959,853" and insert "$5,026,353".
Page 190, line 13, strike "$4,959,853" and insert "$5,092,853".
Page 190, line 39, strike "635" and insert "670".
Page 190, line 40, strike "635" and insert "705".
Page 190, line 42, strike "$1,206,300" and insert "$1,272,800".
Page 190, line 46, strike "$1,206,300" and insert "$1,339,300".

(This amendment provides funds for the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets at a level of $1,900 per student, based on projected enrollment of 670 cadets in 2000-01 and 705 cadets in 2001-02.)