2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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VCCS Restore Capital Leases

Item 227 #27c

Item 227 #27c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Education: Higher Education
Virginia Community College System FY2001 $0 FY2002 $330,000 GF

Page 182, line 21, strike "$429,406,539" and insert "$429,736,539".
Page 186, strike lines 22 through 53 and insert:
"R.1. Out of this appropriation, $330,000 the first year and $330,000 the second year from the general fund is provided for the annual lease or rental costs of space in the Virginia Peninsula Workforce Development Center. The State Board for Community Colleges may enter into a lease agreement with the City of Hampton, its agents or instrumentalities, for the purpose of providing workforce training and retraining facilities and programming, and community education facilities and programming.
2. The form and terms of the agreement shall be approved by the State Board for Community Colleges and the Governor, as otherwise provided by law.
3. The term of such lease or rental agreement shall be for a period not to exceed 20 years from the date of beneficial occupancy.
4. The general fund amounts provided for in this Item for workforce training, retraining, programming, and community education facilities shall be matched by local or private sources in a ratio of two-thirds state funds to at least one-third local or private funds, as approved by the State Board for Community Colleges.
5. Prior to the execution of the lease agreement, the plans and specifications for the facilities to be provided shall be approved by the State Board for Community Colleges."
Page 188, after line 5, insert:
1. Out of this appropriation, $210,000 the first year and $210,000 the second year from the general fund is provided for the annual lease or rental costs of space in a Workforce Training and Community Center for use by Blue Ridge Community College. The State Board for Community Colleges may enter into a lease agreement with Augusta County or the City of Staunton, their agents or instrumentalities, for the purpose of providing workforce training and community development facilities and programming.
2. The form and terms of the agreement shall be approved by the State Board for Community Colleges and the Governor, as otherwise provided by law.
3. The term of such lease or rental agreement shall be for a period not to exceed 20 years from the date of beneficial occupancy.
4. The general fund amounts provided in this Item for the workforce training and community services facility shall be matched by local or private sources in a ratio of two-thirds state funds to at least one-third local or private funds, as approved by the State Board for Community Colleges.
5. Prior to the execution of the lease agreement, the plans and specifications for the facilities to be provided shall be approved by the State Board for Community Colleges."

(This amendment restores language and funds related to a capital lease for the Virginia Peninsula Workforce Development Center, and restores language for the Workforce Training and Community Center at Blue Ridge Community College. The bill, as introduced, assumed that the projects would be funded through proceeds from 9(d) bonds.)