2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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VWCC - Op. Support for RHEC & Greenfields

Item 227 #1c

Item 227 #1c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Education: Higher Education
Virginia Community College System FY2001 $375,000 FY2002 $375,000 GF
FY2001 4.00 FY2002 4.00 FTE

Page 182, line 21, strike "$424,310,797" and insert "$424,685,797".
Page 182, line 21, strike "$429,406,539" and insert "$429,781,539".
Page 188, after line 5, insert:
"V.  1. Out of this appropriation, $375,000 and 4.0 positions the first year and
$375,000 and 4.0 positions the second year from the general fund is provided to support Virginia Western Community College's participation in the Roanoke Higher Education Center and the Botetourt County Education and Training Center at Greenfield.
2. Out of the Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund allocation for the Virginia Community College System, $600,000 the first year is provided for one-time equipment expenditures to support Virginia Western Community College's participation in the Roanoke Higher Education Center."

(This amendment provides funds for Virginia Western Community College's participation in the Roanoke Higher Education Center and the Greenfield Training Center.)