2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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JLARC Study of Public Library Formula (language only)

Item 20 #4c

Item 20 #4c

Legislative Department
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission

Page 14, after line 58, insert:
"G.  The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall conduct a review of the formula used to allocate state aid to local libraries to ensure that the formula provides an equitable distribution of aid among public libraries in Virginia.  The review should recognize and consider changes in funding patterns among local governments, the ability of local communities to fund library services, and collaborative efforts among local libraries and government entities.  It also should address the impact of technological changes on library services, including, but not limited to, "Infopowering the Commonwealth," the strategic technology plan for public libraries.  The review also should consider current population and expenditure caps used in the formula and their impact and whether a library construction component should be included in the state aid formula.  The Commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by July 1, 2001."

(This amendment directs JLARC to review the formula used to distribute state aid to public libraries.)