2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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RBC Administrative Computing Systems

Item 173 #1c

Item 173 #1c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Education: Higher Education
Richard Bland College FY2001 $225,000 FY2002 $264,000 GF
FY2001 $105,000 FY2002 $102,000 NGF
FY2001 2.00 FY2002 2.00 FTE

Page 151, line 36, strike "$6,478,715" and insert "$6,808,715".
Page 151, line 36, strike "$6,534,027" and insert "$6,900,027".
Page 152, after line 24, insert:
"C.  Out of the Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund allocation for Richard Bland College, $300,000 the second year is provided for the replacement of administrative computing systems."

(This amendment provides support for the purchase and implementation of an integrated computer system for accounting, finance, student information, purchasing, and fixed assets. The language also refers to an additional allocation from the Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund for equipment and software related to the new system.)