2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Reduce TJ Gov. School Enrollment Cap

Item 146 #6c

Item 146 #6c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2001 $427,993 FY2002 $427,993 GF

Page 132, line 46, strike "$10,392,013" and insert "$10,820,006".
Page 132, line 46, strike "$10,822,617" and insert "$11,250,610".
Page 133, line 36, strike "800" and insert "1,275".

(This amendment relaxes the cap on academic Governor's School enrollment, from the current 800 students to 1,275. The only school which would be immediately affected is the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax, with an enrollment of 1,650 students. Increasing the cap provides the school with state funding for 475 more students each year.)