2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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At-Risk 4s: Head Start/Inflation/Participation

Item 143 #13c

Item 143 #13c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2001 ($1,500,000) FY2002 ($2,500,000) GF

Page 105, line 38, strike "$2,523,429,019" and insert "$2,521,929,019".
Page 105, line 38, strike "$2,539,458,046" and insert "$2,536,958,046".

(This amendment captures anticipated balances in the At-Risk Four-Year-Olds program. A portion of the savings is due to updated Head Start numbers from the Department of Social Services. Statewide, more children are being served in Head Start programs. Since the state program serves only children unserved by federal programs, higher Head Start numbers mean fewer children eligible for the state program. Smaller savings are captured from an update from 1st to 3rd quarter 1999 inflation factors. The majority of the savings is from non-participation.)