2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Van Gogh Outreach Through SW Va. Public Ed. Consortium

Item 141 #1c

Item 141 #1c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2001 $200,000 FY2002 $0 GF

Page 97, line 48, strike "$326,798,379" and insert "$326,998,379".
Page 100, line 41, strike the first "$477,000" and insert "$677,000".
Page 100, line 45, strike the first "$115,000" and insert "$315,000".
Page 100, line 47, after "Lee" insert "and Wise".
Page 100, line 48, strike "plan the expansion of" and insert "expand".

(This amendment increases first year funding for the William King Regional Arts Center to expand the Van Gogh Outreach, Art and Standards of Learning program to additional school divisions in Southwest Virginia. The program is directed to 2nd grade students and classroom teachers within the service area.)