2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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HB 53-Teacher Ratios for Detention Homes

Item 141 #13c

Item 141 #13c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2001 $350,000 FY2002 $0 GF

Page 97, line 48, strike "$326,798,379" and insert "$327,148,379".
Page 99, line 15, strike "$17,633,003" and insert "$17,983,003".

(This amendment funds the first-year impact of House Bill 53, which would base teacher staffing in detention homes on one teacher per 12 beds in homes operating at or below bed capacity, and on one teacher per 12 students for homes operating above bed capacity.)