2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Secy of Ed Strategic Plans (language only)

Item 131 #2c

Item 131 #2c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Education, Secretary of

Page 87, strike lines 8 through 24 and insert:
“A. 1. In furtherance of its work in the development of funding guidelines for public colleges and universities as set forth in Item 1, and pursuant to the recommendations of the Governor's Commission to Evaluate the Needs and Goals of Higher Education in Virginia in the 21st Century, it is the intent of the General Assembly that institutions of higher education develop strategic plans that promote and sustain the quality, access, accountability, and affordability of Virginia’s public institutions of higher education.
2.  By October 15, 2000, each four-year  public institution of higher education, Richard Bland College, and the Virginia Community College System shall submit to the Secretary of Education a progress report on implementing its current strategic plan, including the progress it has made in meeting the following objectives:
a.  Improve the quality of instruction, public service, research, and student life;
b. Maximize student access to higher education and minimize the cost to students and the state; and
c. Enhance administrative efficiency and productivity.
3.  a. As part of its report, each institution shall evaluate its progress on the objectives identified in the strategic plan and identify the resources needed to meet the objectives.  The progress report shall include benchmarks or other measures, where applicable, for use in assessing an institution's progress toward the objectives set out above.
b.  The  report also shall include proposals for enhancing managerial autonomy and streamlining operations as a means for improving managerial flexibility in meeting its strategic plan objectives.
4.  The progress report shall be prepared according to a format approved by the Secretary of Education and the State Council of Higher Education and distributed to institutions no later than July 1, 2000.  
5.  By December 1, 2000, the Secretary of Education shall report to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Appropriations Committee on the status of the institutions' strategic plans, including the items enumerated above. Based on the strength of the institutions' strategic plan reports, the Secretary's report may include a recommendation to the 2001 General Assembly on which institutions should be considered for development of specific institutional performance agreements, pursuant to the report of the Governor's Commission to Evaluate the Needs and Goals of Higher Education in Virginia in the 21st Century.  Such a recommendation shall include a process for developing an agreement and a plan for incorporating the funding recommendations of the Joint Subcommittee on Higher Education Funding Policies into the performance agreement."

(This amendment is self-explanatory.)