2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Workforce Development Training Fund

Item 126 #2c

Item 126 #2c

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Commerce And Trade
Virginia Employment Commission FY2001 ($9,800,000) FY2002 ($14,300,000) NGF

Page 80, line 40, strike "$16,831,624" and insert "$7,031,624".
Page 80, line 40, strike "$21,335,392" and insert "$7,035,392".
Page 80, strike lines 49 through 53.
Page 81, strike lines 1 through 55.
Page 82, strike lines 1 through 22.

(This amendment removes $24.1 million of nongeneral fund appropriations from the VEC for the Workforce Development Training Fund. The appropriation was contingent upon passage of legislation in the 2000 Session to enact the Fund and to dedicate a means to capitalize the Fund. The legislation passed by the Senate and the House does not include a dedicated revenue stream.)