2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Committee Approved)

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Rappahannock Day Reporting Center

Item 443 #1s

Item 443 #1s

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Public Safety
Community Corrections, Division of FY2001 $200,000 FY2002 $356,877 GF
FY2001 5.00 FY2002 5.00 FTE

Page 310, line 22, strike "$7,477,496" and insert "$7,677,496".
Page 310, line 22, strike "$7,480,810" and insert "$7,837,687".

(This amendment provides $200,000 the first year and $356,877 the second year and five (5.0 FTE) positions from the general fund to establish a day reporting center for the 21st Probation and Parole District, serving the City of Fredericksburg and Stafford, Spotsylvania and King George Counties. A companion amendment to Item 64 in the Compensation Board provides for a corresponding reduction in jail per diems.)