2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Conference Report)

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Temporary Textile Workers Health Benefits Program

Item 547 #7c

Item 547 #7c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY1999 $0 FY2000 $1,500,000 GF

Page 460, line 40, strike "$16,537,848" and insert "$18,037,848".
Page 465, after line 45, insert:
"X.1.  This appropriation includes $1,500,000 the second year from the general fund to provide limited health care benefits and related administrative expenses for displaced textile workers, as defined in paragraph X.2.
2.a. There is hereby created the Temporary Textile Workers Health Benefits Program for the purpose of providing health care benefits for displaced Virginia textile workers and their dependents, as described in paragraph X.3.
b.  The temporary health insurance benefits authorized by this item shall be available from June 1, 2000 to May 30, 2001.
c. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall receive $2,917 per month to administer the program.
d.  The Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) shall receive a one-time fee of $10 per claimant.  Such fee shall be used to cover the costs of certification of eligibility to participate in the temporary health benefits program authorized by this item.
e. The Temporary Textile Workers Health Benefits Program shall enroll all qualifying persons who are certified by the Virginia Employment Commission to the Department of Medical Assistance Services as eligible for the benefits authorized by this item.
3.a.  Participation in the temporary health benefits program authorized by this item shall be limited to residents of Virginia and their dependents who are (i) former employees of textile companies located in the West Piedmont Planning District and their dependents and (ii) former employees of textile companies located in any county from a Planning District adjoining the West Piedmont Planning District Commission and their dependent spouses, provided that such county’s 1999 average unemployment rate was equal to or greater than 6 percent.  
b. To be eligible for benefits under this program: (i) the former employee’s unemployment status must have resulted from a textile company ceasing or limiting business operations on or after July 1, 1999, but, on or before January 31, 2000; (ii) the worker must qualify, or have been qualified, for the regular Unemployment Insurance Program; and (iii) the worker must not have been terminated for cause.
c. Qualifying former employees whose benefits have expired, as well as former employees receiving unemployment insurance benefits, may register for the program at local VEC offices in the coverage area and at other sites as determined by the Department of Medical Assistance Services.  The Virginia Employment Commission and the Department of Medical Assistance Services shall make every effort to utilize sites and procedures that are convenient for the eligible individuals.
d. Limited health insurance coverage for former employees and their dependent spouse shall end at the earlier of (i) full-time employment, defined as working for wages or salary in excess of the federal minimum wage for more than 30 hours per week, or (ii) termination of the limited health care benefit program, as described in this item.
4.  The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall develop, implement, and administer the Temporary Textile Workers health Benefits Program for displaced Virginia textile workers who meet the criteria listed in paragraph X.3.
5.  Lack of health care for the displaced Virginia textile workers and their families shall be deemed to be a public health emergency pursuant to § 9-6.14:4.1, Code of Virginia; therefore, to meet this emergency situation the Board of Medical Assistance Services shall promulgate emergency regulations to implement this program to be effective June 1, 2000.  The program shall:  (i)  include the eligibility criteria listed in paragraph X.3.; (ii) provide health benefits to the displaced Virginia textile worker and his dependents as certified by the Virginia Employment Commission; (iii) provide health benefits similar to, but not in excess of, the amount, duration and scope of medical services covered as established in the State Plan for Medical Assistance pursuant to § 32.1-325, Code of Virginia; and (iv) provide such covered health care benefits for the period of June 1, 2000, to May 30, 2001.
6.  For the purpose of linking essential services to displaced workers and their families and ameliorating, to the extent possible, the effects of loss of income and benefits, the Virginia Employment Commission and the Department of Medical Assistance Services shall establish an aggressive outreach mechanism for recent displaced workers in Virginia.
7.  The Department of Medical Assistance Services and the Virginia Employment Commission shall report to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees on their progress in designing and implementing the program on May 1, 2000, and provide the Committee Chairmen with updated reports on the status of the program on June 1, 2000, July 1, 2000, September 1, 2000, and December 1, 2000."

(This amendment creates the Temporary Textile Workers Health Benefits Program and provides an appropriation of $1,500,000 the second year from the general fund for the purpose of providing health insurance benefits to certain unemployed textile workers in and around the West Piedmont Planning District. It provides for the development and implementation of the program by the Department of Medical Assistance Services, with the Virginia Employment Commission responsible for enrolling eligible displaced textile workers in the program.)