2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Conference Report)

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Carrier Integration Center (language only)

Item 547 #4c

Item 547 #4c

Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations

Page 464, line 24, strike "N." and insert "N.1.".
Page 464, after line 35, insert:
"2.  The Director of the Department of Planning and Budget shall unallot $6,555,000 from this Item for the Advanced Shipbuilding and Carrier Integration Center project.  These funds shall revert to the general fund on June 30, 2000.  Any funds remaining in this Item for the project shall be carried forward for the project's construction."

(This amendment unallots almost $6.6 million from a cash balance of $14.4 million dedicated for the project to construct the Advanced Shipbuilding and Carrier Integration Center. The remaining cash will be used by the Newport News Industrial Development Authority (IDA) in its role as project manager. Companion amendments in House Bill 29 and House Bill 30 permit the Governor to use the unobligated balances of the Governor's Development Opportunity Fund for the project if there is a delay in the issuance of the IDA's bonds.)