2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Conference Report)

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VCCS Delayed Use of Master Lease

Item 161 #1c

Item 161 #1c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Virginia Community College System FY1999 $0 FY2000 ($190,000) GF

Page 170, line 14, strike "$394,112,892" and insert "$393,922,892".
Page 174, strike lines 51 through 54 and insert:
"6. This appropriation includes $10,000 the second year from the general fund for the first of six annual payments for the lease-purchase of furnishings and equipment totaling $1,240,000 for the Botetourt County Education and Training Center at Greenfield. Annual payments in fiscal year 2001 are expected to be $214,980. Payments in fiscal years 2002 through 2005 are expected to approximate $287,973, with a final payment of $77,718 in FY 2006."
Page 175, strike lines 1 through 3.

(This amendment reduces funding provided for an annual payment for equipment purchased through an equipment leasing program. Acquisition of the equipment in FY 2000 has been delayed.)