2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Conference Report)

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Authority to Authorize Supplementals (language only)

Item 151 #2c

Item 151 #2c

Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families

Page 155, line 8, strike "$106,309,830" and insert "$119,150,923".
Page 156, after line 46, insert:
"b. In each year, the Director of the Office of Comprehensive Services for At-risk Youth and Families may approve and obligate supplemental funding requests, in excess of the amount of 2 a above, for mandated pool fund expenditures up to 10 percent of the total general fund appropriation authority in paragraph C 1 a  in this Item."
Page 156, line 47, strike "b." and insert "c."

(This amendment provides authority for the Director to approve supplemental funding requests in the Comprehensive Services Act up to a capped level. Currently, the Director cannot approve supplemental funding localities are entitled to beyond the level of general funds in the program in a given year. Since supplemental requests authorize a locality to submit bills, but 25 percent of such bills are paid in the next fiscal year, this amendment would allow the Office to approve supplementals, rather than holding them until the next fiscal year.)